Sunday, September 11, 2005

Time to relax!

It's been a very busy week, very short staffed at work so been hard work, then again the week went quick!

I must need my head seeing to, what do I do on my day off....No not relax, I spend the day cleaning the house!! However I do intend spending tomorrow as a lazy Sunday. I think I will have a lie in, maybe go for a stroll to get my appetite up and have a nice Sunday roast late afternoon then an early night, ready for a very early shift Monday!

Only one week to my holiday, I'm looking forward to it...I've already filled my car with petrol incase they decide to do have fuel protests next week so I have enough to get to North Wales, luckily my car is good with fuel. I have enough to get there with probably 1/4 tank spare...Will worry about the way back if they do have protests when I get there!


At Tuesday, 20 September, 2005, Blogger carpediemtomorrow said...

Hope it was a good week, who knows if you made it back or


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