Wednesday, September 28, 2005

North Wales NT Holiday!

As promised a quick lowdown on my holiday, I will do a full report on my Sniffy's Album site but as an inbetween I have put a few photo's on here! I have been lucky so far, my third NT working holiday, assisting this time and the weather held out with a bit of bad weather overnight and a few small showers on the last day! Just want to say thank you to everyone who was there and the wardens making my first assist a very easy particular to the Leader!

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Getting ready to climb Tryfan with the John Muir trust on Sunday

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Wardens working hard!!! (With a little of help from 2 volunteers!)

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One of the stunning skys we had!!

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Finished product (lower steps and rail)

Sunday, September 25, 2005

I'm Back!

Just a quick post to say i'm back from holiday, I had a very good holiday despite having a cold all week and feeling tired!

Too tired at the moment to post any photo's etc as I haven't down loaded them off my camera but should have them on line in the next day or so!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Time to relax!

It's been a very busy week, very short staffed at work so been hard work, then again the week went quick!

I must need my head seeing to, what do I do on my day off....No not relax, I spend the day cleaning the house!! However I do intend spending tomorrow as a lazy Sunday. I think I will have a lie in, maybe go for a stroll to get my appetite up and have a nice Sunday roast late afternoon then an early night, ready for a very early shift Monday!

Only one week to my holiday, I'm looking forward to it...I've already filled my car with petrol incase they decide to do have fuel protests next week so I have enough to get to North Wales, luckily my car is good with fuel. I have enough to get there with probably 1/4 tank spare...Will worry about the way back if they do have protests when I get there!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Um One last holiday!

Ok I know I posted a few weeks back that I had booked my last holiday for the year...However I went in yesterday to find out how much leave I had left, I was thinking I would have about 4 days, turns out I have 7 so enough for one more week away!! Life isn't always that bad, makes up for the shitty days I suppose!!

Due to only 2 allowed off at any one time I have 5 weeks left in the year which didn't clash with A, Other staff and B, weeks I have already booked...Two working holidays back to back is a little to much even for me! I wanted to try somewhere different, there were no holidays I could lead or assist on available so I had a look through the paying ones and tossed a coin between west Dorset and exmoor...Very difficult to choose between the two, both looked great locations. I've never been to Exmoor but it's been 10 years since I had been to Dorset and even then it was a day trip.

After the coin toss I enquired about the one in Dorset, there was a space so I booked it, even though part of me still would have liked to go to Exmoor, I can always go next year! The one I have booked sounds interesting, working near Chesil beach by the coast stopping in an old radar base!! I now have one week away each month now until December then a week in Janurary, should be knackering but fun, you only live once so why not explore the countryside and enjoy what our special and unique British landscape has to offer whilst putting something back into it for future generations at the same time!!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Thought I'd better pop my head in and show i'm still around! Been a busy week or so as we have two off sick and next week two are on leave as well. I'm feeling knackered now, dread to think what i'll be feeling like next week!

The boss is back and no bad reports whilst he was on holiday so I must have done ok looking after things, thanks to the other guys in the team of course!

I'm off on my working holiday as an assistant in a couple of weeks time, which although i'm a little aprehensive about, i'm looking forward to it! I guess I should get into training as not sure what activities they will throw at us, might have to dust my bike off and cycle places for the next few weeks as mountain biking is a possible activity, won't find out till I get there!

Now time to find a corner to drift off to sleep in as I was up at 3am and slightly knackered at the moment!