Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Interesting working week!

Well been a bit of a interesting week, due to the boss being away I have been left to make sure everything is ticking over was going fine until, one of the staff had to to go to hospital with a possible fracture in her foot (will find out today what exactly she has done to it!)

So now the roster is out the window and so is the project we were working on as we don't have enough staff...oh well just a few days before the boss is back!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Another holiday!

Well my final holiday for the year booked, although I do still have a few odd days left to book! Although not sure if my holiday is actually a holiday as it is another working one, back in the Brecon Beacons, but this time I am going as a leader...should be good, if not a little scarey as it will be my first one as a leader!

At least I know the basecamp and the wardens so a good start, and I can get the chance to see how my last bit of footpath is getting on!

Before then I have my holiday assisting in North Wales, oh and I have a long weekend off the weekend after next and fancy going off somewhere, historical maybe or somewhere with nice landscapes...anyone got any suggestions where I can go please let me know in the comments section! (not too far north or Cornwall as I'm on an early shift on the Monday!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Trip follow up..

As promised I have now done a short report on my trip and more photo's on my other site Sniffy's Album.

Busy at work at the mo, boss is away and I have been left in charge for two weeks, within two days one of the other departments has nicked the room behind our office which my boss had his eye on for an admin room for us, photo copying room etc. I tried my best to get them to hold fire till he gets back, but lost the arguement. He will not be happy when he gets back, I know he won't blame me as I don't think he would have won the arguement either, I tried my best, lets hope nothing else like that come up whilst he is away!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Llangollen Trip

As promised more on my weekend away! I will do a full report on my other site...not today though! A few sneak photo's below..

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Valle Crucis Abbey, Llangollen.

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Chirk Castle, Chirk.

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Castell Dinas Bran, Llangollen.

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Campsite, including rainbow!

Hopefully will have uploaded the rest of the photo's in the next few days.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Packed Weekend!!

Just a short post (will write more tomorrow!). Just had a very packed, but enjoyable weekend! Started off by going to see one of my friends (who I don't see that often as we live 100 miles apart) and going out for a very nice pub meal and a good gossip on Friday evening, then Saturday picked my cousin up and headed for North Wales to Llangollen for the day to meet up with the NWFF group, first visiting Valle Crucis Abbey, (in the rain!) then a long lunch (trying to avoid the rain!) then going on to Chirk Castle (should have gone to Castell Dinas Bran as well, but raining too much!).

Then 3 of us camped under the shadow of Castell Dinas Bran (just a tad wet and windy!) , after brekkie the weather improved a bit and we made the climb to the castell before heading home! Will post photo's tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

'5 Q's 4U'

Thanks to /T/BLOG I came across this (copy and pasting from T as when on nights brain is slightly slower!)

In this little diversion the "tagger" asks five questions of the "taggee," and then the "taggee" ends the post with the instructions for how the game works so that it propagates like any good meme is supposed to.

/T/ Asked me..

Chezzy here are your questions:

1. Have you ever gotten stuck on a road with your car so that you needed to either call road assistance, a tow truck or a friend to help you out?

A: Not with my present car, but had a few adventures with my old one, two that stand out (there are to many to mention!) First was I was driving round a very busy roundabout near Watford, England. Dome roundabout for anyone who knows the area, I pulled up at the lights part way round, as the lights changed I went to pull off my clutch cable snapped! I was on my own and had a mini panic as I couldn't move my car and there were cars stuck behind me and beeping at me!! I was rescued by a milkman who came and pushed me out the way whilst I waited for my rescue service. The second time was when I was driving to the Lake District with my hubby, picking my mum up on the way to give her a short holiday. I was on the M6 in heavy traffic going through Birmingham, I knew something was wrong, my hubby said I was being paranoid, as my alternator packed up as I was in the fast lane (fortunately traffic was doing about 2mph!) he had to push me to the hard shoulder...Right in view of the RAC building, how embarrassing, specially as I was with a different rescue service. All ended well, got my alternator changed and still made the holiday albeit a few hours late!

2. What does your ideal vacation look like, what should it definitely include and what not?

My ideal holiday (vacation) would have to be somewhere scenic and a little remote, it should defiantly include some kind of activities and defiantly not include 2 weeks worth of sunbeds!

3. If you could work to mend a footpath on one of your holidays anywhere in the world, what path would you be working on and why?

Not sure if they would have footpaths as such that would need mending but it would have to be in the Himalayas in the shadow of Everest. I wouldn't like to climb it, value my life too much! But to just be in the mountains presence would just be awe inspiring, if a mountain could talk what stories it would have to tell of the people who have walked it's paths!

4. What are your favorite clothes you like to wear when you are home and don't have to go anywhere?

Any old jeans, tee-shirt, just something comfy and un-work like!

5. What is the weirdest that ever happened while you were on a night shift?

Nothing really weird has happened on night shift, but I did have to work last new years eve, most of your night shift is on your own between aprox 1 am and 5 am which i'm used too, normally busy doing paperwork etc, but due to being a holiday I didn't see anyone between aprox 11pm and 7am, and very little work to do, it did seem a little creepy and weird, specially at midnight all alone seeing the new year in!

Thanks /T/ for taking the time to come up with these questions.

In accordance with the rules of the meme, I need to post these instructions:
If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying Interview me.” (Tickle me” or “Caress me are not acceptable substitutes.) You must leave your blog address so I can think of good questions for you!
I will respond by asking you five questions - each person’s will be different. I’ll post the questions in the comments section of this post.
You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Don't forget, you will need to check back for your questions and it might help if you let me know when you have answered them.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Night's AGAIN!!

I don't know if it's me but i'm on nights again and it doesn't feel like 6 weeks since I did them last time! At least I am only doing 4 nights instead of 5 as I have taken the last night off so I can go to Wales on the Saturday. Also I have a trainee with me for the last 2 nights so should be an easy week!!

Does mean my days will be back to front again and I'm killing time this morning before I go to bed at 1ish this afternoon. On that note I have been doing a bit of surfing and came across this site and had a go at a personality quiz. Not far off! Have a go for a bit of fun, there are other quizzes, some dafter than others!

Your Birthdate: December 22

While sometimes employing unorthodox approaches, you are capable of handling large scale undertakings.

You assume great responsibility and work long and hard toward completion.

Often, especially in the early part of life, there is rigidity or stubbornness, and a tendency to repress feelings.

Idealistic, you work for the greater good with a good deal of inner strength and charisma.

An extremely capable organizer, but likely to paint with broad strokes rather than detail.

You are very aware and intuitive.

You are subject to a good deal of nervous tension.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Another holiday!

Just booked another holiday...ok maybe not the best time to go on holiday in this country...Janurary!

Another working holiday too! Difference being that i'm going to be working near Stonehenge and highlight of the week will be standing amongst the stones after the site is closed to the public. Also going with me cousin which should be a good laugh. Of course photo's will be put on line afterwards of the week.

Before that though I have my weekend in Llangollen coming up and a week in September in north Wales and a few days leave left this year so might do some more stuff before the end of the year. Looks like my camera will be busy!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Trying to get away from cars...But it now turns out the other front wheel bearings are going as well so car has to go back in again....Not happy!

Anyway, on a better note I have managed to get my last night off on my week of nights so I can go to Wales for the day (maybe stop over camping again, although doubt the views will be as good as the last campsite I stopped at but you never know!) with the NW and Midlands TTFF's groups (see link on right for Time Team links) Even though so far no Midlanders in the group unless you count me as an ex-midlander, if my cousin goes there will at least be one true midlander going!

It does mean that I have had to work an extra day this week though! Hopefully worth it, I'll post photo's when I go of course!

Right, off to surf for a nice camping site in the area we are going to, if anyone knows of any nice camping sites in north Wales (small and friendly preferred!) Let me know in the comments section please!