Thanks to
/T/BLOG I came across this (copy and pasting from T as when on nights brain is slightly slower!)
In this little diversion the "tagger" asks five questions of the "taggee," and then the "taggee" ends the post with the instructions for how the game works so that it propagates like any good meme is supposed to.
/T/ Asked me..
Chezzy here are your questions:
Have you ever gotten stuck on a road with your car so that you needed to either call road assistance, a tow truck or a friend to help you out?A: Not with my present car, but had a few adventures with my old one, two that stand out (there are to many to mention!) First was I was driving round a very busy roundabout near Watford, England. Dome roundabout for anyone who knows the area, I pulled up at the lights part way round, as the lights changed I went to pull off my clutch cable snapped! I was on my own and had a mini panic as I couldn't move my car and there were cars stuck behind me and beeping at me!! I was rescued by a milkman who came and pushed me out the way whilst I waited for my rescue service. The second time was when I was driving to the Lake District with my hubby, picking my mum up on the way to give her a short holiday. I was on the M6 in heavy traffic going through Birmingham, I knew something was wrong, my hubby said I was being paranoid, as my alternator packed up as I was in the fast lane (fortunately traffic was doing about 2mph!) he had to push me to the hard shoulder...Right in view of the RAC building, how embarrassing, specially as I was with a different rescue service. All ended well, got my alternator changed and still made the holiday albeit a few hours late!
2. What does your ideal vacation look like, what should it definitely include and what not?My ideal holiday (vacation) would have to be somewhere scenic and a little remote, it should defiantly include some kind of activities and defiantly not include 2 weeks worth of sunbeds!
3. If you could work to mend a footpath on one of your holidays anywhere in the world, what path would you be working on and why?
Not sure if they would have footpaths as such that would need mending but it would have to be in the Himalayas in the shadow of Everest. I wouldn't like to climb it, value my life too much! But to just be in the mountains presence would just be awe inspiring, if a mountain could talk what stories it would have to tell of the people who have walked it's paths!
4. What are your favorite clothes you like to wear when you are home and don't have to go anywhere?Any old jeans, tee-shirt, just something comfy and un-work like!
5. What is the weirdest that ever happened while you were on a night shift?Nothing really weird has happened on night shift, but I did have to work last new years eve, most of your night shift is on your own between aprox 1 am and 5 am which i'm used too, normally busy doing paperwork etc, but due to being a holiday I didn't see anyone between aprox 11pm and 7am, and very little work to do, it did seem a little creepy and weird, specially at midnight all alone seeing the new year in!
Thanks /T/ for taking the time to come up with these questions.
In accordance with the rules of the meme, I need to post these instructions:
If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying Interview me. (Tickle me or Caress me are not acceptable substitutes.) You must leave your blog address so I can think of good questions for you!
I will respond by asking you five questions - each personÂs will be different. IÂll post the questions in the comments section of this post.
You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Don't forget, you will need to check back for your questions and it might help if you let me know when you have answered them.