Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Lie in..

Well I was going to get up this morning and do a 4 mile walk before work in preperation for my holiday in the Brecons in less than two weeks time, um, I sort of had a lie in instead! I did do some weights though so i'm feeling a little less guilty!

I will tomorrow honest...it should be easier tomorrow as I have a day off, however it is going to be a very busy day as I have been putting off lot's of jobs till my day off!


At Tuesday, 07 June, 2005, Blogger carpediemtomorrow said...

My get and go, got up and went a long time ago, I get most of my exercise nowadays, walking the fields and woodlands looking for my wayward dog.
He's a Northern Inuit (wolf look-a-like), they are supposed to be loyal pack animals, but this one lost the manual!


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