Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Yesterday was an interesting day at work, I had an appraisal where each in the team got marked on the work we have done in the last six months. Frustratingly my boss marked all of us the same as our department is new and it is our first appraisal so we can have the opportunity to show improvement. He did give us all 100% but it's frustrating as I know myself and one other have put much more into the development of the team and job role and it looks like we all have done the same work, sort of makes you feel a little under appreciated even though he did say he knew I should of got the top grade for what I have done. Thing is I understand why he has done it, just a little miffed!

Second was a big bust up between two of the team and I got caught up as a witness to a verbal warning from my manager to one of them, who is a good friend of mine, although he was in the wrong and knew it...Unfortunately this happened right before my appraisal! Typical!

Today was nice and calm, if a little edgy between the two who had the bust up!


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