I have just put out the bin bag for the bin men to collect and it made me stop and think, last week on my holiday there was 9 people at our basecamp and between 9 of us we only just filled one bin bag yet my bin bag I have just put out was full to the brim and there is only 2 in the house, and I wasn't here all of the week either!
It just made me think I could do much better on the re-cycling front! Yes I do re-cycle glass, cans, plastic bottles, newspaper/mags and I have a composter but I have to put my hands up and admit on the odd occation a bottle or newspaper does end up in the bin bag if it's cold outside and same with the composter so I can improve in that area!
The basecamp we went to had a woodburner which was good for getting rid of those small bits of cardboard that you can't take to the local tip for recycling so if anyone has any suggestions in that area! I did find out that you can put egg boxes in your wormery if you have one...I have a chicken so don't have to worry about that bit!
I have to say my local council are good on the re-cycling front as they collect most from your doorstep and also did a great bargin on composters recently, although I do miss the sound of breaking glass that you hear when you drop glass bottles in the large containers!!